Friday, May 13, 2016

Hiked Almost 17 Miles Today!

  Red Bull is still with some hiking buddies, and traveled with them to the Brown Fork Gap Shelter... almost 17 miles!  That is his best day yet!  Sounds like he found a good group to hike with.
   I found out that there has been another bear incident on the trail... but it is several hundred (339) miles ahead of Aaron.  A bear entered a shelter where people were sleeping, and took two food bags.  There have been other nuisance bear incidents there as well.  That shelter and the adjoining campground has been closed temporarily.  This happened at the Lambert's Meadow Shelter on May 11th in Troutville or Botetourt, Virginia.
  Aaron is doing well.  They plan to hike to the Fontana Dam Shelter known as the "Fontana Hilton" tomorrow, then take a zero day.  They already have their permits to head through the Great Smoky National Park.


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