Tuesday, May 17, 2016

400 Pound Aggressive Black Bear Euthanized

   I was checking The White Blaze this morning, searching for an update regarding the bear that attacked a hiker last week.  Red Bull and his buddies will be hiking through that very location today.

  Yesterday's news stated that the bear returned to the shelter during the night, and was tranquilized by authorities.  He was a 400 pound black bear.  They decided due to the aggressive behavior they had witnessed, and the injury around his canine teeth that would occur with an attack on a person... this was the bear they were watching for.  They decided to euthanize him, so he will not attack anyone else.  Normally they would wait for a positive DNA match, but felt they had enough evidence.  The DNA testing will still be done.

   I have alerted Red Bull to the situation.  It is so interesting that he is right where this is occurring.

       Entrance to the the Great Smoky Mountains National Park from Gatlinburg (MICHAEL PATRICK/NEWS SENTINEL)

Link to the story:

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