Sunday, August 7, 2016

Red Bull taking a Zero Day! Ouch!

   Red Bull was going to head back onto the trail today after his appointment (this was not a medical appointment), but decided to take a Zero Day.  He had some strained muscles in his leg, and was still limping.

   It did not help that in being a good son this afternoon, he went to our second pantry (in the basement) to bring his mother some supplies for preparing the family meal... then fell down the stairs.  Fell down may be an exaggeration, perhaps it would be better said that he slipped and slid down the stairs on his side... the side with the aching leg.  For several hours following that incident he was actually holding furniture to walk around.

   He plans to return to the trail tomorrow... location to be announced!  He had planned to join his group at their shelter tonight, so we now need to re-access the situation.  We will also see how he is feeling in the morning!  Poor Red Bull!  A second zero day may be in order?

basement stairs - stock photo

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